September is the month we celebrate our wonderful girl's birthday. She turned three! Seriously it has happened in the blink of an eye. She is compassionate, courageous, hilarious and joyful in such abundance. Our wild and magical darling girl.
We celebrated as a family with a rainbow cake and brunch out. Later in the month we gathered with friends and Grandma Ann & Grandad Kevin for a cafe morning tea. It was wet that day but fun nevertheless. An elephant poo cake was requested and created. Her favourite tv show at the time was 'Hidden Kingdoms' and in particular an episode where an elephant shrew has a close encounter with elephant poop!
As the weather warmed we spent a bit of time in the garden too. A gentle way to recover from the stresses of August.
Mae and Fox really start to develop a relationship. Fox is able to sit and loves nothing more than laughing at his sisters antics....Mae loves nothing more than performing for a captive audience.
We picnic with Daddy on his lunch break.
A trip to Kelly Tarltons Aquarium.
Mae, Fox and I fly south for a huge couple of weeks. A task I had been absolutely dreading but doing so much organising for too. My sister, Dad and I had to pack up our family home for sale. It was a really tough, physically and mentally draining time. Harder than I had imagined. In between the packing of many boxes, the sorting, deciding and cleaning I tried to capture memories for the children. We explored the garden and sent up more plants for my home in Auckland.
To sweeten the visit we made sure we had time with Grandma Ann and Grandad Kevin. We also spent a couple of nights with Great Nana and Great Pop on their farm.